Please read carefully the Rules before entering the chat rooms of Chatbuddies.

- Age restrictions
- To use our free chat site, you must be above the age of 18 and over.
- is not liable if the user is under the age of 18 and without parental supervision.
- Nickname/Username
- While entering the chat room, choose a suitable nickname/username. Choose a username that does not reveal your true name or any other information that might be used to identify or find you.
- This includes your last name, the school you attend, where you hang out, and geographic information such as your state, city, and, of course, your street address.
- Inappropriate or obscene nicknames are absolutely prohibited also.
- Do not share Personal Information
- Never give away personal information such as your name, home address, school/college/work address, where you’ll be that evening, phone number, personal email address (give them a public address), or any other information that may assist someone figure out your (or anybody else’s) true identity.
- In addition, never ask for or gather any personal information from its visitors or users.
- No Promotion of any kind
- On chatbuddies, it is strictly prohibited also to advertise other chatrooms, websites, products, or services.
- Any user who distributes or promotes links of other websites should be notified to Admin and its management Team and that person will be banned from the chat site indefinitely.
Rules before entering the chat rooms
- Report unpleasant users
- Stop conversing and report anybody who makes you feel uncomfortable, asks you too many personal questions, is sexually explicit, or harasses you.
Read rules before you proceed to Chat Room
- Use of Ignore function
- In short,you can “Ignore” anybody if they are bothering you. Chatbuddies, like most chat platforms, features an “Ignore” function.
- If you’re unsure how to use this function, thus see the chat’s instructions or contact the admin staff.
- Adult Content is prohibited
- When accessing or using, you must always behave in a civil and respectful manner.
- Chatbuddies never promotes sex or adult content and strongly discourages chat users from discussing such things.
- Generally,Chatbuddies constantly encourages friendly decent chat in its chatrooms.
- Sharing any type of explicit content in the chat rooms, such as images, gifs, videos, and so on, is totally restricted.
- If anyone demands for any intimate photos, Therefore do not continue the conversation with that person and report the profile.
- Abusive Language is not allowed
- The use of abusive language or swear words is not tolerated in the chatroom. At the same time, show respect for everyone in the chatroom.
- Abusers and spreaders of pornographic content will be immediately barred from the chatroom.
- Beware of meeting in person
- Having a face-to-face meeting with someone you met in a chat room is not recommended.
- Chatbuddies is not liable for any mishaps that occur during such a meeting. It is the user’s entire and complete responsibility.
- Safety Features
- Chatbuddies has several security safeguards for its users. Hence, read the safety guidelines and follow them.
- Reporting practices are also available in Chatbuddies. If you have evidence of a questionable conversation, present it and report it.
Read Chat Policies Carefully
- Flooding, spam, trolling and/or advertising also will not be tolerated.
- Cloning of account of users or impersonation of another user or member of chat buddies team also, is prohibited.
- Please avoid talking about competing chat sites.In this case, talking about competing chat sites is by no means tolerated.
- Under no circumstances should users post content that includes animal cruelty and/or exploitation of minors in any way. This includes, but is not limited to, images, gifs, videos, chats or any other content.
- Political and religious discussions are discouraged, they may be allowed at the discretion of the room moderator, but if deemed disruptive, the chat moderator/admin can ask the user to leave the topic and that should be respected.
- Arguing with the staff of chatbuddies or knowingly contravening their decision will under any circumstances result in a mute, kick or ban in their sole discretion. Hence, any abuse directed to anyone will result in a ban without warning.
- Unfortunately, it is not possible to cover all the situations sometimes may or may have been covered in the rules, as such moderators and other staff members of Chatbuddies , have complete discretion regarding for what is or is construed as acceptable behaviour, the staff members words are final in all cases, situations and must be respected.
In conclusion,these Rules will help you to stay safe, before entering the chat rooms and user will get a good chat environment.